''Daoist Shamanism Four Pillar Training'' Class
Enrollment Is Closed
New Class on Daoist Shamanism: Four Pillar Training
A master of the “Four Pillars” refers to an individual who has mastered the physical, energetic, and spiritual components of alchemical practices that are associated with the External and Internal training of the Physical Body, the Energy Body, and the Spirit Body, as well as unlocking their magical potential through training Daoist Alchemy.
In true Daoist Alchemy practice, a disciple is first taught to purge his body of toxic Qi (energy), then gather and cultivate large quantities of this life-force energy. It is only after removing the toxic energy and purifying the energy that is being accumulated within his or her body, that it can be used for healing, self-protection, or seeking enlightenment.
This can only be done by laying a foundation strong enough to build upon it a system of energetic and spiritual training that will allow the disciple to reach his true magical potential.
When a Daoist disciple progresses through the different stages of the Four Pillars training (martial artist, healer, scholar, and priest), he will go through many physical, energetic, and spiritual transformations. These transformations will help him to develop deeper and more powerful ways of manifesting and controlling his energy and spirit.
The ultimate goal of studying Daoist Alchemy and esoteric magic is to awaken those who are spiritually asleep, and to apprentice those who are already “awake”, and to help the disciple return back to the spiritual nature of his “true self”.
Course Syllabus
The classes will begin online on March 7th, 2024 – and It will consist of a 6-month introductory class to training these “Four Pillars” and utilizing teaching tools from the Daoist Zheng Yi and Mao Shan systems of magical practices.
Classes will be held in Zoom format on Thursday nights, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
Dr. Welch will hold an in-person three-day seminar in October 2024, to teach the exercises and training that the six-month class learned during the teaching.
The following Syllabus is based on this 6-month training of the upcoming teaching on Daoist Shamanism.
Course Syllabus